Whatsup everyone, sorry I didn't get a chance to trade today I had to catch up with some school work. Even when I'm not actively trading, I've been trying to at least keep some charts up on one of my screens. This way I get to watch some price movement and if something crazy happens I get to experience it, even if I don't actually have money in it. I've learned the hard way in the past that if you can't pay full attention to your trading, don't even try to do it. Make sure if your going to trade, you put in the time first. Your only doing yourself a favor. Its very easy to miss obvious signals if your rushing into trades, and you'll look back on it after you take a big hit and you'll hate yourself for being so stupid.
Anyways, I may try to trade a little tomorrow throughout the day if I can find any good swing setups. If not, I'll be at it Friday morning early on. I'll be using the chat feature on collegetradingexchange.com while trading some FX, and hopefully a few of the other Trading Pitt members will be joining me. So if anyone's looking to do some chatting Friday morning, you should be able to find a few of us there. Happy Trading :)
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